05/02/2006 By dadmin 0

Blogging anybody?!

Yesterday, our blog got public! Which means it is not a hidden link anymore but itยดs “featured” on our main webpage. Not sure if anybody is really gonna read it but it’s there now, one more blog in the Internet!

A few days ago I was trying to figure out why people blog, why we blog and why we don’t blog too much…
At least I know I don’t feel too much like blogging because it’s not very natural to me that I type down my thoughts. If I have something in my mind, I usually prefer to talk. Luckily, I have Dirk to talk to ๐Ÿ™‚ So, not much left for writing down.
But why do people blog? Is it vanity? Is it a need to connect? Is it loneliness? Do people care if anybody reads or not their blog?

At least, we started to blog because we thought we might like to share with our friends our experience of moving from US to Finland. However, even thought we started the blog at some point after moving we never really shared our blog with them (though we did intend to do that all this time!). It seems that we preferred to talk to them directly about our experience then to send them to our blog.

But why did we make the blog public now? Not so sure. Sometimes it seems funny to dump some thoughts and think that somebody might stop by and waste some time reading them…Vanity? Not that sure. Anyway, I will try these days to think some more about why people ( and we) blog. For now, all I can tell is that we’d like to use our blog just for dumping some thoughts on Finland, world and us. Nothing too smart, nothing too serious ๐Ÿ™‚