Research Areas
During my professional career in industry research as well as academia, I have been working on various projects related to ubiquitous computing (smart and connected environments) and, more specifically, context aware computing. I have been always fascinated by what happens when computing systems become a bit more aware of our context and preferences and what are the various issues involved, starting with sensing and ending with privacy concerns, interaction paradigms and information sharing.
My research work over the years can be roughly separated in middleware-focused and applications/services focused. Here are short descriptions of what I have been working on through various projects and organizations.
Context-aware systems and environments
- Context-aware systems for supporting self-understanding
- Spiritual Computing
- Lifelogging
- Context-awareness in ad-hoc communities
- Affective and Context-aware Personal Assistant
- Agent-based Smart Environments
Enabling distributed context awareness
Based on the work performed within these projects, over the years I have filed various patent applications in areas related to context awareness. Here you can find a list of applications and granted patents.