03/09/2005 By dadmin 0

The sad American society

The situation in New Orleans was the best example of how sick the American society is. In the first days after the flooding started, what you mainly heard was about looters and guns. Then, we saw how fast the government was able to send troops there to run around with guns ready to shoot people. But it did not seem possible to also send help like they sent troops. Not to mention that it did not seem that the soldiers were hungry at all, which means they had enough food and water. However, they stood there and watched people dying…
Last night, they actually showed on TV a bunch of armed national guards ready to shoot a guy that entered a supermarket to get some food and drinks. I would have thought that, given the situation there it would have been normal to give people everything from the supermarkets before letting them die and then deal with giving the owners the money back.
But in US what counts more is that the rich people remain rich and the poor people are treated like animals.